Books and Book Chapters Recent:
1. Zugibe, F.T., Eat, Drink and Lower Your Cholesterol, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New York, 1963. 2. Zugibe, F.T., The Natural History of Vascular Change in Clinical Features of the Aging Patient. Edited by J.T. Freeman Thomas Publishing Co., 1965. 3. Zugibe, F.T., Atherosclerosis in the Miniature Pig in Comparative Atherosclerosis; the Morphology of Spontaneous and Induced Atherosclerotic Lesions in Animals and its Relation to Human Disease. Edited by J.C. Roberts and R. Straus. Hoeber Medical Division, Harper and Row, 1965. 4. Zugibe, F.T., Relationship Between Chondroitin Sulfate and Collagen in Atherosclerosis in Le Role De La Paroi Arterielle Dans L Atheragenese. Editions du Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique 15 Qual Anatole-France-Paris Vlle, 1968.kj 5. Zugibe, F.T., Diagnostic Histochemistry, C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis 1970, 377 pages. 6. Zugibe, F.T., Gilbert E., Opitz, J., McMillan, M.D., & Hermann, J. Arthrodentoosseous Dysplasia, A Genetic Acroosteolysis Syndrome.in Limb Malformations, Original Art. Series Vol X #5, edited by D. Bregsma, V. McKusick, E. Pierce and L.S. Levin, 1974. 7. Zugibe, F.T., Sudden Death Related to the Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Legal Medicine Annual. 1980-1981 Edit. by Cyril H. Wecht., Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1980. 8. Zugibe, F.T., The Cross and the Shroud - A Medical Examiner Investigates the Crucifixion - Angelus/Exposition Press, Smithtown, N.J., 1982. 9. Zugibe, F.T., Fourteen Days to a Healthy Heart - Macmillan Publishing Co., New York., 1986. 10. Zugibe, F.T., The Cross and the Shroud - A Medical Inquiry into the Crucifixion, Second Edition - Paragon House Publishing Co., New York 1988. 11. Zugibe, F.T., Costello, J. and Breithaupt, M., Cardiotoxic Mechanisms and Interrelationships of Cocaine: in Theories, Models, Methods, Approaches, Assumptions, Results and Findings Edit. by Damien Hurst, Ch. 9, pges. 89-96, Westerhan Press, England, 2000. BOOKLET 1. The Healthy Heart Book; Feeling Great and Living Better. Blue Cross & Blue Shield, 1989 AUDIO TAPES 1. Skeletal and Head Trauma
in Child Abuse.
In Practical Reviews: Forensic Medicine and Sciences TELEVISION APPEARANCES as an expert in FORENSIC PATHOLOGY. [Heraldo Show, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, CNBC, etc.] Regarding the Jon Binet Ramsey Case, Au Pere Case, Grossberg-Peterson Case, Princess Diane Death, Marv Albert Case, etc.
VIDEO DOCUMENTARIES 1. The Shroud of Turin , CBC, segment on Cause of Death in Crucifixion Studies. Easter 1992).
2. HOW
JESUS DIED, the final 18 hours , Videocasette (35 minus) Trinity
Pictures, 1994. 3. Faith v. Science -Australia, III Int. Congress, Turin 1998, 60 Minutes. appeared in Australia and throughout Europe. Fall 1998.
4. History's
Mysteries: The Shroud of Turin. The History Channel. First
appearance 5. The Shroud of Turin: FOCUS, Channel WLAE, New Orleans 4/4/ and 4/5/00. 6. A Forensic Way of the Cross: FOCUS, Channel WLAE, New Orleans 4/4/00. 7. The Son of Man series, BBC, Easter week 2001. 8. Jesus the Man Discovery Channel. Easter week 2001. 9. Stigmata and The Shroud of Turin on In Search Of : Sept. 2001. 10. Stigmata, GRB Productions, Learning Channel. Oct. 2001. 11. Leonardo DaVinci and the Shroud of Turin, National Geographic, Spring-Summer 2002. 12. Beyond Endurance, BBC in prep. 13. The Mystery of Jesus, CNN April 2003. PUBLICATIONS 1. Smelser, G.T., Ozanics, V., and Zugibe, F.T., "The Production of Exophthalmus in the Absence of Adrenal and Ovarlan Hormones" Anat. Rec. 131: 701, 1958. 2. Zugibe, F.T., Kopaczyk, K., Cape, W., and Last, J.H. "A New Carbowax Method for Routinely Performing Lipid Hematoxylin, and Eosin and Elastic Staining Techniques on Adjacent Freeze- Dried or Formalin Fixed Tissues: J. Histochem. Cytochem. 6:133-138, 1958. 3. Zugibe, F.T., Fink, M.L., and Brown, K.D. "Carbowax Flotation Technique" Letters to the Editor Section, J. Histochem. Cytochem. 6:381, 1958. 4. Zugibe, F.T. and Brown, K.D., "Lipid and Acid Polysaccharide Relationship in Human Aortas" Circulation 18:804, 1958. 5. Zugibe, F.T., Brown, K.D., and Last, J.H., "A New Staining Technique for Simultaneously Demonstrating Lipid and Acid Polysaccharides on the Same Tissue Section" J. Histochem. Cytochem. 7:100, 1959. 6. Zugibe, F.T., Fink, M.L., and Brown, K.D., "Carbowax 400: A New Solvent for Oil Red O and Sudan IV for Staining Carbowax- Embedded and Frozen Sections" Stain Tech. 34:33-37, 1959. 7. Zugibe, F.T. and Brown, K.D., "Histochemistry of the Cerebral Arteries" Circulation 20:971, 1959. 8. Zugibe, F.T. and Brown, K.D., "Histochemical Studies of Atherogenesis: Human Aortas" Circulation Res. 8:287, 1960. 9. Zugibe, F.T., Fink, M.L., and Brown, K.D., "A New Technic for Processing Membrane and Membrane-like Structures including cerebral and Coronary Arteries of Fetuses, infants and Laboratory Animals" Proceedings of the 1960 International Microscopy Symposium, Chicago, Ill. 148-150, June 13-15 1960. 10. Zugibe, F.T., Fink, M.L., and Brown, K.D., "Difficulties Encountered in Carbowax Embedding" Proceedings of the 1960 International Microscopy Symposium, Chicago. pp. 153-154, June 13-15, 1960. 11. Zugibe, F.T., and Brown, K.D., "Histochemistry of the Coronary Arteries" Circulation 21:654, 1960. 12. Zugibe, F.T., "A New Histoenzymatic Technique for Demonstrating and Identifying the Individual Acid Mucopolysaccharides in Human Arteries" J. Histochem. Cytochem. 9:610-611,1961. 13. Zugibe, F.T. and Brown, K.D., "Histochemical Studies in Atherogenesis: Human Cerebral Arteries" Circulation Res. 9:897-905, 1961. 14. Zugibe, F.T., Bourke, D.W., and Brown K.D., "A Plastic Injection Method for Post-Mortem Assessment of the Coronary Arteries; A Preliminary Report: Am. J. Clin. Path. 35:563. 1961 and Tech. Bull. 31:77, 1961. 15. Zugibe, F.T., "A Rectangular Punch for Obtaining Samples of Arteries for Histological and Ultramicrochemical Analyses" Amer. J. Clin. Path. 36:260-261, 1961. 16. Zugibe, F.T., "The Relationship Between the Chondroitin Sulfates and Collagen in Human Arteries with Aging" H. Geronotol. 16:392, 1961. 17. Zugibe, F.T. and Fink, M.L., Histochemical and Histologic Methods Used in Cardiovascular Research" Circulation 24:1108, 1961. 18. Zugibe, F.T. and Fink, M.L., Histochemical Studies of the Coronary Arteries and Aortas of the Minipig" Circulation 24:1108, 1961.
19. Zugibe,
F.T., Our Crucified God. Tertiary Topics #3, 14:1-
Zugibe, F.T. He Chose His Heart. Tertiary Topics #6, 14: 21. Zugibe, F.T., "The Demonstration of the Individual Acid Mucopolysaccharides In Human Aortas, Coronary Arteries and Cerebral Arteries. I. The Methods" J. Histochem. Cytochem. 10:441-447, 1962. 22. Zugibe, F.T., "The Demonstration of the Individual Acid Mucopolysaccharides In Human Aortas, Coronary Arteries and Cerebral Arteries. II. Identification and Significance with Aging" J. Histochem. Cytochem. 10:448-461, 1962. 23. Zugibe, F.T. and Fink, M.L., "Two New Ion Association Complexes for Use In Acid Mucopolysaccharide Demonstration" J. Histochem. Cytochem. 10:683, 1962. 24. Zugibe, F.T., Eat, Drink and Lower Your Cholesterol, McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New York, 1963.
Zugibe, F.T., "Mucopolysaccharides of the Arterial Wall" J. 26. Zugibe, F.T. and Fink, M.L., "A Glass Cap Technique for Enzyme Histochemistry and Correlative Ultramicro Analysis" The Microscope and Crystal Front 13:375-377, 1963. 27. Zugibe, F.T. and Vester, J.W., "Coronary Stenosis and Myocardial Enzyme Loss" Circulation 28:828-829, 1963. 28. Zugibe, F.T. and Fink, M.L., "Simultaneous Insolubilization of Acid Polysaccharides and Decalcification of Cartilage and Bone: The Microscope and Crystal Front 4:13-15,1963. 29. Rosomoff, H.L. and Zugibe, F.T., "Distribution of the Intracranial Contents in Experimental Edema" Arch. Neurology 9:26-34, 1963. 30. Zugibe, F.T., "Histochemical Studies in Coronary Atherogenesis: Comparison with Aortic and Cerebral Atherogenesis: Circulation Research 3:401-409, 1963. 31. Zugibe, F.T., Pepine, Cl, Bell, P., and Must. J. "The Shear and Pearse Method for Direct Histochemical Demonstration of Sialic Acid" Nature 201:630, 1964.
32. Zugibe, F.T. and Conley, T., "A Low Temperature Metal Alloy for Making Rapid Casts of Blood Vessels, Aorta Valves and Atherosclerotic Impressions of Opened Arteries" Archives of Pathology 77:558, 1964.
33. Lee, S., Magovern, G.J., Zugibe, F.T., and Orwig, V., "Segmental Free Autograft of the Internal Mammary Artery to Coronary Circumflex" Arch. Surgery
34. Zugibe, F.T. and Fink, M.L., "A New Histochemical Smear Technique for Testing Polyanions" The Microscope and Crystal Front 14:260-263, November-December, 1964.
35. Zugibe, F.T., "A New Combination Stain for Elastin and Polysaccharides" The Microscope and Crystal Front 14, September-October,1964.
36. Zugibe, F.T., Bell, PLl, Jr., and Conley T., "Radiopaque Plastic Injection Technique for Assessing Coronary Stenosis and Collateralization at Autopsy" Circulation 29:32-33, 1964.
37. Zugibe, F.T., Conley, T., and Bell, P., Jr., "Grading Coronary Stenosis" Circulation 29:33, 1964.
38. Zugibe, F.T., "Atherosclerosis in the Miniature Pig" Atlas of Comparative Atherosclerosis, Proceedings of the Conference of Comparative Atherosclerosis, American Heart Association Council on Arteriosclerosis. Paul Hoever Publishing Company. Color plates pp 37-42, 1965.
39. Zugibe, F.T., "The Natural History of Vascular Change in Clinical Features of the Older Patient" Edited by Freeman, J.T., Charles Thomas Publishing Company. pp. 91-102, 1965.
40. Zugibe, F.T., "A New Ion Association Technique for Demonstrating Polyanions in Tissue Sections" J. Histochem. Cytochem. 14:147, 1966.
41. Zugibe, F.T., "A New Ion Association Technique for Identifying Individual Mucopolysaccharides in Tissue Sections" J. Histochem. Cytochem. 14: 153, 1966. 42. Zugibe, F.T., Conley, T., Bell, P., Jr., and Standish, M. "Assessing Myocardial Alterations at Autopsy in the Absence of Gross and Microscopic Changes." Circulation 37: 218, 1965.
Zugibe, F.T., "Mixer for Ultramicro Enzyme Digestions." Ann. 44. Zugibe, F.T., Conley, T., Bell, P., Jr. and Standish, M. "Determination of Myocardial Alterations at Autopsy in the Absence of Gross and Microscopic Changes." Arch. Path. 81:409, 1966. 45. Zugibe, F.T., Bell, P., Jr. and Conley, T. "A Radiopaque- Plastic Injection Method for Assessing the Coronary Arteries and the Vasculature of Other Organs." Angiology 19:25-35, 1968. 46. Zugibe, F.T., "Relationship Between Chondroitin Sulphate and Collagen in Atherosclerosis in Proced. of Int. Cong. on Atherogenesis, "Paris, Ed. by L. Scebat Publ. date Spring, 1968. Le Role de la paroi arterielle dans la atherogenesese colloques Internationaux due Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique #129 Paris 1967-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 47. Yarrington, T. & Zugibe, F.T., "The Ultrastructures of the Benign Lymphoepithelial Lesion." J. of Laryngology and Otology 83:361-365, 1969. 48.
Zugibe, F.T., Gilbert, E. and Graziano, D. "Glycoprotein 49. Zugibe, F.T., "Positive Periodic Acid-Schiff Staining of Acid Mucopolysaccharides." The Histochemical Journal 2:191-197, 1970. 50. Zugibe, F.T., "Method of Making Wax Troughs for Glass Knives in methodology of Electron Microscopy" Ed. by Zane Price.1970. 51.
Jones, B., Gilbert, E., Zugibe, F.T. and Thompson, H. "The 52. Zugibe, F.T., Diagnostic Histochemistry, C.V. Mosby Publ., St. Louis, 1970, 366 pages. 53. Zugibe, F.T., "The Office of the Medical Examiner", Bulletin of the Rockland County Medical Society, Dec. 1970. 54. Zugibe, F.T., "A Small Lightweight, Nose-mouth Mask to obviate odors of putrefaction, "F.B.I. Enforcement Bulletin, March 1971. 55. Zugibe, F.T., Conley, T., Bell, P., Jr. and Standish, M. Enzyme Decay Curves in Normal & Infarcated Myocardium. Arch. Path. 93:308-311, 1972. 56. Hermann, J., Zugibe, F.T., Gilbert, E. & Opitz, J. M. Arthrodentoosteodysplasia, Review of a Genetic Acro-Osteolysis Syndrome, Zeltschrift fur Kinderheilkunde 114, 93-110, 1973. 57. Zugibe, F.T., Jr. and Zugibe, F.T. Fuchsinophilia and Fuchsinorrhagia Staining Techniques Arch. Path. 96:243-244, 1973. 58. Zugibe, F.T., & Gilbert, E., Torsion and Constriction of the Umbilical Cord as a Cause of Fetal Death. Arch. Path. 97:58-59, 1974. 59. Zugibe, F.T., Gilbert E., Opitz, J., McMillan, M.D., & Hermann, J. Arthrodentoosseous Dysplasia, A Genetic Acroosteolysis Syndrome.in Limb Malformations, Original Art. Series Vol X #5, edited by D. Bregsma, V. McKusick, E. Pierce and L.S. Levin, 1974. 60. Zugibe, F.T., Sudden Death Related to the Use of Psychotrophic Drugs in Legal Medicine Annual, 1980-81, Edit. by Cyril H. Wecht, Appleton-Century-Crofts, New York, 1980.
61. Zugibe,
F.T., The Cross and the Shroud - A Medical
61. Zugibe, F.T.,
"Did Christ Have Marfan's Syndrome?" La 62. Zugibe, C.T., & Zugibe, F.T. Reliability of the Chloride Test for Determining Death by Drowning in Fresh Water-.For. Sci. 1983. 63. Zugibe, F.T., "Death by Crucifixion" - Can. Soc. For. Sci. Jour. 17:1-13, 1984. 64. Bidanset, J., Zugibe, F.T. and Segelbacher, J.C., An Investigation of an Acute Death in a Case Involving the Ingestion of Leaded Gasoline. Proceed. of Northeast Academy of Forensic Sciences, Uniondale, New York, Oct. 1985.
Zugibe, F.T., Death by Crucifixion, Queries, Comments, 66. Zugibe, F.T., Taylor, J., Weg, N., DiBennerdo, R., Costello, J. T., and DeForest, P. M.F.P.T, 3. Identification of John J. Sullivan The Missing Journalist. J. of For. Sci. 30:221-231, 1985. 67. Zugibe, F.T. and Costello, J.T., Identification of a Murder Weapon by a Peculiar Blunt Force Injury Pattern and Histochemical Analysis J. of Forensic Sci. 30:239-242, 1985. 68. Zugibe, F.T. and Costello, J.T., A New Method For Softening Mummified Fingers. J. of Forensic Sciences 31:726-731, 1985. 69.
Zugibe, F.T. and
Costello, J.T., The Jig Saw Puzzle 71. Zugibe, F.T. The Pathologist as Expert Witness, Human Pathology 17:206, 1986. 72. Zugibe, F.T., Fourteen Days to a Healthy Heart - Macmillan Publishing Co., New York., 1986. 73. Zugibe, F.T., Costello, J.T, Breithaupt, M.K., Zappi, E. and Allyn, B. The Confined Space-Hypoxia Syndrome. J. of For. Sciences 32:554-559, 1987.
Zugibe, F.T., New Evidence May Explain the Image on the 75. Zugibe, F.T., The Cross and the Shroud - A Medical Inquiry into the Crucifixion, Second Edition - Paragon House Publishing Co., New York 1988. 76. Zugibe, F.T., The Man of the Shroud was Washed. Sindon 1:171- 179, 1989.
Zugibe, F.T., Costello, J.T., & Breithaupt, M.K., Gunshot 78. Zugibe, F.T., Crucifixion of Jesus: Two Questions About Crucifixion: Does the Victim Die of Crucifixion? Would Nails in the Hands Hold the Weight of the Body? Bible Review: Vol. V: 34-43, Mar. 1989.
Zugibe, F.T., Review of Poison Detection in Human Organs 80.
Mitchell, E.K., Prior, J.T., Forbes, N.T., Hyland, M.J., 81. Zugibe, F.T., Review of Histochemistry in Pathology, edited by M. Isabel Filipe and Brian D. Lake, Churchill Livingstone, Publisher, in Arch Pathol. Lab Med 116:304, 1992. 82. Zappi, E., Zappi, M., Breithaupt, M.K., & Zugibe, F.T., Intraventricular Lipoma and Sudden Death - J. of For. Sciences 38:489-492, 1993. 83. Bidanset, J., Dettling, R., Salerno C., Segelbacher, J., Redner, W.J., Zugibe, F.T. "The Tissue Distribution of Ethanol, Cocaine and Heroin, A Case Study". Proceedings of The Canadian Society of Forensic Sciences 40th Anniversary Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada - September 8 - 11, 1993. 84.
Zugibe, F.T., Costello, J. The Ice Man Murder: One of a 85. Zugibe, F.T. Sr., Zugibe, F.T. Jr., Costello, J.T., Breithaupt, M.K., Hypoplastic Coronary Artery Disease Within the Spectrum of Sudden Unexpected death in Young Adults - Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology 14: 276-283, 1993. 86.
Costello, J. and Zugibe, F.T. Identification of a Homicide
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